1st Birthday Wishes, Messages and Quotes for Daughter

These collections of birthday sayings are awesome birthday wishes, messages and quotes for 1 year old daughter.

 Best 1st Birthday Wishes, Messages and Quotes for Daughter

Preparation for the celebration of a daughter's birthday is something that always brings excitement to the parents. Looking out to give a sweet daughter her 1st year on earth is a source of joy that every parent would always look up to.

For the daughter that you love, these first birthday wishes for a daughter are always a wonderful experience to enjoy. Happy Birthday Poems for Friends

If you have done all the planning, here are the best messages of birthday wishes you should send to a friend whose daughter is celebrating her first birthday. These birthday quotes are 1st birthday wishes for a girl, birthday wishes for a 1-year-old daughter, 1st birthday wishes for a baby girl, happy 1st birthday to my daughter, happy 1st birthday to my daughter poem and caption for 1-year-old daughter's birthday.

Best 1st Birthday Wishes, Messages and Quotes for Daughter

Come on and share in the joy of your friend whose daughter is celebrating her 1st birthday with these 1st birthday wishes for the girl. Birthday Wishes for Mothers
[1]. God has placed you on the right path, you will not depart from it. Greater you my dear in all your endeavour in life. I love you much my princess. Have fun and enjoy your day. Happy birthday my right-time miracle. 

[2]. May the good God bless you abundantly. Much love Princess. Happy birthday to you my darling!

[4]. You are blessed my darling. God will continue to keep you now and always.

[5]. Wow! How time flies, greater you Princess. God bless you, lots of love baby, and have a beautiful birthday.

[6]. Congratulations, happy birthday to you my dear, may the good Lord bless you.

[7]. More beautiful years ahead. Happy birthday my precious one. Keep shining and winning in all your endeavours in life.

[8]. May God bless your new age. Happy birthday, sweetie!

[9]. You are preserved to make a difference in your generation. You will fulfil your purpose. Happy birthday, Princess.

[10]. You will live in God's abundance. Happy birthday my Angel. 

[11]. May your days be filled with joy and happiness. Happy birthday, Princess.

[12]. May you continue to be the star that you are and a source of joy to your parents. God bless you in your new year and always, happy birthday.

[13]. May you live to fulfil your God's given destiny. I wish you many more glorious and blessed years ahead in good health and wealth. Remain blessed always.

[14]. Wishing you many more shining years of glory and greatness. Happy birthday worthy Princess.

[15]. Happy birthday to you my dear daughter of Zion. It is well with you in all your endeavour.

[16]. Grow in wisdom and good health. Happy birthday my Princess. Greater you!

[17]. Happy birthday to you my sweet daughter. I wish you all the best in life for more years to celebrate.

[18]. Happy birthday my beautiful birthday mate. As you celebrate your 1st year, I say may experience more glorious and better years ahead.

[19]. Happy birthday beautiful, may God bless your new age.

[20]. Happy birthday darling daughter. Many happy returns with lots of great things in good health, sound mind and abundant wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

1st Birthday Wishes to Baby Girl

Here is one of the best 1st birthday wishes to a baby girl. You can send these best birthday wishes to a friend's daughter who is celebrating her 1st year birthday. Happy Birthday Wishes to Sister

[21]. May God bless your new age. Happy birthday little one. 

[22]. Remain great. Happy birthday to you Mummy big baby. 

[23]. As your years come by so shall your strength be. The Lord will perfect all that concerns you. Happy birthday to you dear.

[24]. God's blessings always. Happy Birthday dear daughter. 

[25]. More grades for the future ahead. Happy birthday, dear. 

[26]. God bless and keep you. Happy birthday, dearie. 

[27]. Happy birthday beautiful baby best wishes.

[28]. Keep growing with all abundance! Happy birthday, cutie!

[29]. God bless you always. Happy birthday my pretty angel. 

[30]. You shall live to fulfil your days. Keep soaring. Happy birthday my tallest and most beautiful baby. 

[31]. Happy birthday darling, you are a shining star that cannot be hidden; a candle set on a hill beloved. May God bless you with the blessing of the heavens which will not withhold its rain upon you. You will increase until you enter into the place of your enlargement.

[32]. Grow in the love of Christ. Happy birthday, dear.

[33]. Keep shining like a shooting star. Happy birthday little one.  

[34]. God bless and give you wisdom, knowledge and understanding today and always. Happy birthday pretty.

[35]. May God increase you in wisdom and favour. You will continue to shine brighter. Happy birthday, Princess.

[36]. May you always be happy and blessed. My darling Happy birthday.

[37]. As light shines through a diamond, so shall you shine all the days of your life. Happy birthday, dear.

[38]. May God continue to bless you as you grow in his glory. Happy birthday, Princess.

[39]. Lines have fallen in pleasant places for you. Happy birthday beautiful daughter. 

[40]. Sorry dear I am late but it is better late than never. May God shower His blessings on you. Happy birthday to my adorable baby.

Happy 1st Birthday Wishes to My Daughter

These ones are meant for the dearest daughter that brings joy to Daddy, Mummy and friends that come around her. As she celebrates her 1st birthday, you can send these collections of 1st birthday wishes to make her day joyful. Birthday Wishes for the Man of God

[41]. May your years of love and grace be long. Happy birthday my lovely daughter.

[42]. This is your new age, God Almighty will rewrite your story and strengthen you. Happy birthday to you.

[43]. As light shines through diamonds, you will not lose your shine. Happy birthday, dear.

[44]. We celebrate you on this special day and pray that the Lord bless and favours you. May you fulfil your destiny. Nations shall hear your voice. Happy Birthday to a loving daughter. 

[45]. The daughter of Zion wishes you more prosperous years ahead. Happy birthday to you sweet daughter.

[46]. Wishing you Heaven's best, keep waxing stronger day by day. Happy glorious birthday our daughter. 

[47]. God bless your new age. Happy Birthday Beautiful Daughter.  

[48]. May He continue to bestow you with wisdom. God bless you dear daughter of a great parent.

[49]. God's grace will continue to rest upon you for more fruitful years ahead. Happy birthday, dear.

[50]. Waaaooohhh! God bless your new age sweet daughter. Happy birthday to you!

Birthday Wishes, Messages and Quotes for Daughter

Awesome Birthday Wishes for Daughter's 1st-Year-Old

This is time for celebrating a newborn baby girl that just turned 1. Share in the joy of her parents by sending these birthday wishes to celebrate her special day. Christian Birthday Wishes for Brother

[51]. I wish you the very best. Happy birthday, dear.

[52]. More fruitful years in the land of the living! Congratulations!

[53]. Wishing you a blessed moment of this day and always. Success stories always. Happy birthday dear daughter.

[54]. Birthday blessings of God's favour, grace and strength this your 1st new year. Happy birthday.

[55]. Happy birthday to one of the few daughters on earth. May the Almighty God continue to increase you spiritually.

[56]. Happy birthday to our latest daughter in the zone. May the Lord continue to bless you and enlarge your coast as you grow.

[57]. We wish you all the best in life. Happy birthday to you.

[58]. Wow, my able sweet daughter. Happy birthday to you. May God continue to protect, bless and keep you moving.

[59]. Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter. God Almighty will bless your new age. And you will live to celebrate many more.

[60]. I celebrate with you as you added another year to your life. Happy birthday to you.

Daughter Birthday Wishes

This day is very important for us 
and to everyone who knows you, 
our blessed lovely sweet daughter is plus one today, 
you are such an amazing child from the day you were born 
we knew that you will be the most ideal blessed daughter ever, 
you are special with everything good in life, 
may the Angels in heaven always look over you, 
may God Almighty grant you favour, wisdom, knowledge 
and understanding all the days of your life 
as you mark your special blessed birthday today.
Join me and celebrate, as my blessed sweet daughter 
is plus 1 year today.

[61]. Beautiful girl, as you celebrate your birthday today may your heart be filled with love and your day filled with great joy. Children grow so fast, my prayer for you is you will always know how greatly loved and precious you are. May you grow into a beautiful woman with joy, laughter and love filling your heart and may you always know the love of the Father all the days of your life and may you serve Him well. Happy birthday to our sweet girl.

[62]. Happy birthday, daughter, may the Lord protect and guide you all the days of your life.

[63]. Destined to live and enjoy many, many, more happy birthdays. Wishing you the best.

[64]. Happy birthday, Princess. You are blessed already. May God continue to bless you.

[65]. Happy birthday my lovely jewel. May you exceedingly grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. No evil eyes will ever see you. You will be protected by God all the days of your life.

[66]. Happy birthday to my girl, my smart and wise niece, wishing you all the very best in life. Grow in grace.

[67]. May God Almighty bless your new age, and flourish with a retentive memory, wisdom and understanding. You will be great in life. Happy birthday, dear.

[68]. Happy birthday, girl. God bless and preserve you. Live and prosper, selah!

[69]. Happy birthday to the baby in the house, may God continue to bless and supply all you will ever need, and grow in knowledge and wisdom.

[70]. May God's favour and blessing be upon you always. Happy birthday to our blessed sweet daughter.

[71]. Happy birthday, daughter, may you grow in wisdom and understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[72]. Oh, baby girl, blessed are you among daughters, blessed you will be among women in years to come. You are special and especially special you will remain. Daughter of grace, happy birthday. Your light will never meet with darkness. Happy birthday, cutie.

[73]. Happy belated birthday to you my baby girl. Long life and prosperity. May God in His infinite mercy protect and guide you all the days of your life.

[74]. Happy birthday to you my baby. God bless you and your new age. Lots of love!

[75]. Happy birthday daughter of Zion. You are blessed. Grow and shine and age with grace.

[76]. Happy birthday to you beautiful baby, you will continue to grow in grace and peace.

[77]. 1st year already, happy birthday angel. May you continue to grow in God's wisdom, knowledge and protection. Mercy shall speak for you all the days of your life.

[78]. Happy birthday to my very own special daughter. Your life will always be a testimony because God will always be involved. You're blessed amongst the blessed and long life will be your portion. We love you!

[79]. I wish you a birthday that is as beautiful, incredible and unique as you are. Happy birthday, daughter!

[80]. Happy birthday to you girl. May you live in sound health and prosperity in all your ways as you grow up.

Birthday Wishes for 1 Year Old Daughter

Searching for the best amazing 1st birthday messages for my daughter, here are the best messages of birthday wishes you can send to a friend's daughter at 1 year old. Birthday Wishes for Boss

[81]. Happy birthday little girl. May the blessings of the Lord be with you always. Congratulations!

[82]. My little angel, we join your Daddy and Mummy to celebrate your birthday. Next year and many years to come, you shall keep celebrating. Hip, hip, hurray. Happy birthday sweet Angel. More blessings to you my love.

[83]. More years of greater impact you will make. Happy birthday sweet daughter. God, grace you with more amazing years of wisdom and understanding to live and be a winner in all that you do.

[84]. Happy birthday to you dear daughter, cheers to many more years of good health, happiness and prosperity as you grow.

[85]. Happy birthday to you little Angel. May God continue to keep you and make your every way prosperous. Keep living and shining!

[86]. Happy super duper 1st birthday dear. May the Heavens over you be open continually in this 1st year of your life and fulfil every desire of your heart concerning your life and health. May this new year indeed be a Heaven on earth experience for you. I celebrate you, sweet little angel.

[87]. More graceful and many win my little angel. We await your glory ahead of you as you grow. Keep inspiring hope in our generation. Much love little one.

[88]. Welcome to your new beginnings. More grace for giant strides. Happy birthday, daughter. May all your dreams be fulfilled as you grow in love and grace.

[89]. Enjoy God's grace and special favour this season and beyond. Happy birthday to you sweet daughter. Keep soaring!

[90]. Happiest blessed 1st birthday sweet girl. God's eternal best on you as you grow. Keep flourishing beyond limits. More fruitful years ahead.

Caption for 1-Year-Old Daughter Birthday

Here are the best birthday captions and greeting you can share with a friend whose daughter is celebrating her 1st birthday. Mother's Happy Birthday Messages

[91]. May you continue to age with grace. Happy birthday to you beautiful Princess. I wish you success in all your future endeavours.

[92]. Happy birthday, Princess. May God grant you wisdom and understanding as you grow to become what God wants you to be in Jesus' name.

[93]. Wishes of everything best for you. You shall live to fulfil destiny. Happy birthday my baby. 

[94]. You shall always be above and outstanding among your peers. Wishing you a long life in good health dearie. Happy birthday, Angel. 

[95]. Happy birthday my Princess, Mary God bless your new age. Grow in wisdom and God's protection.

[96]. Happy birthday baby girl. I wish you good health and long useful life in Jesus' mighty name. Lots of love!

[97]. May God bless your new age. Keep growing in the wisdom of God. Don't worry your other siblings are coming. Happy birthday little Princess.

[98]. May your days be as bright as your smile and as lovely as you are. May you forever sparkle and shine like the star that you are. Happy birthday, Princess.

[99]. Happy birthday baby girl, may you grow in wisdom and understanding. Wishing you the very best. May God bless your new age.

[100]. Happy birthday my blessed daughter, enjoy multiplied grace, live long, win more, prosper, and shine brighter. May you continue to grow in the wisdom and favour of God.



Birthdays Messages – Heartfelt Wishes for Every Special Moment!: 1st Birthday Wishes, Messages and Quotes for Daughter
1st Birthday Wishes, Messages and Quotes for Daughter
These collections of birthday sayings are awesome birthday wishes, messages and quotes for 1 year old daughter.
Birthdays Messages – Heartfelt Wishes for Every Special Moment!
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